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5 Ways to Save When Attending Weddings

Wedding season is the season of gauzy canopies, lacy gowns and delicate flowers. With invitations flooding your mailbox, you might already be booking your weekends with weddings through the end of August.

Celebrating a new marriage together with your friends is great fun, but all those wedding invites can put a real strain on your budget. Between wedding attire, travel costs and gifts, each wedding can add up to a pretty penny. In fact, according to the most recent research by Express Spending & Saving Tracker, the average wedding guest is out $673 for each wedding they attend. That’s enough to make you go broke by the time wedding season is through!

If these numbers are scaring you, take a deep breath and relax. You don’t need to go into debt just to attend your friends’ weddings. Just follow these hacks for simple ways to celebrate in style — and within budget.

How to Book your Flight

Save on airfare by clearing your web browser cache before searching for a flight, booking your ticket for mid-week and using apps like Kayak to find the best-priced tickets.

Don't Use the Registry for Gifts

Jump off the registry bandwagon and gift the couple with a more personalized gift, like a themed breakfast basket for the morning after or reservations for a dream date night.

Rent your Dress

Don’t buy a dress or gown. Instead, rent one from a service like Rent the Runway, or buy a gently used dress from

Find your Own Lodging

Use Airbnb to find affordable lodgings for destination weddings.

Don’t be afraid to say no

Members of the wedding party inevitably end up outspending everyone else thanks to the wedding attire, shoes and the pre-wedding parties they’re required to attend. Most of these costs are dictated by the bride and groom. If you’re asked to be a bridesmaid or an usher, and you know you can’t afford the associated costs, don’t be afraid to explain your position to your soon-to-be-married friends. They’ll likely understand, and either accept your declination or make some adjustment to their plans so you can still be part of the wedding party.

Here’s to a season of affordable and joyous wedding celebrations from all of us here at Rio Grande Credit Union!

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