Rio Grande Credit Union
Rio Grande Credit Union
Change your world one swipe at a time

Change is good

Especially when it comes to saving money.

Change your world one swipe at a time.

Make the change is an easy way to make everyday purchases part of your savings plan! Basically, you turn your spare change into savings.

How does it work?

Make the Change works like an automatic savings account. Your everyday debit card transactions are rounded-up to the next dollar amount and the difference is deposited into your designated RGCU savings account.

The round-ups from your debit card purchases are accumulated and transferred daily from your checking account to your savings account. (For example, $5.43 debit charge would be rounded-up to $6 and the difference of .57 goes into your savings account).

Here is an example of what you could save in just one day!

What you bought Price you paid We round up to Transfer to savings
Morning coffee $4.02 $5.00 $0.98
Tank of gas $37.22 $38.00 $0.78
Blake's Lotaburger $11.74 $12.00 $0.26
TOTAL $2.02

On this day your spending generated $2.02. That money will be transferred to your savings!

Why round up to Savings?

Pay yourself first. It’s one of the most frequent—and best—pieces of financial advice we can offer our members. Yet, it’s one of the most ignored financial health practices.

Automatic savings plans make it less of a hassle to save money and keep it saved. Setting up automatic savings transfers each month helps get rid of the worry and excuses we all make to avoid saving.

How do I use it?

Use your checking account debit card for everyday purchases such as groceries, your coffee habit, or online purchases. In other words, spend like you normally would. We round up each purchase and automatically transfer it to your savings account. It’s that simple!

It’s FREE!

There’s no cost to you! And the Make the Change option will not transfer if you do not have funds in your checking account at the end of the day; it will not overdraw your account.

How to get started?

Simply stop by a branch or give us a call to enroll today!