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How to Throw a Fantastic Holiday Party for Your Employees

‘Tis the season of the boring and mandatory office party – but it doesn’t have to be that way. With just a bit of ingenuity and planning, you can throw your employees a holiday party they’ll actually want to attend. Here’s how.

Choose a time and location that works for all employees

You likely won’t find a time and place that works perfectly for all your employees, but it’s important to do your best to plan a party that’s convenient for most of the team. Ask around well before the season starts to find out about everyone’s individual plans, and consider throwing a party early on to avoid double-booking with any other parties they may need to attend.

It’s also important to be as inclusive as possible when planning the office party. Be sure to make accommodations for employees with disabilities as well as those who work remotely. In addition, be mindful of the fact that some employees may require child care for an after-work occasion. To accommodate, you can turn the party into a family-friendly affair, provide on-site childcare or choose to throw the party during normal working hours.

Maintain your professionalism

A holiday party can be a great way to build company morale and for you to interact with your employees outside the usual framework. However, you’ll still want to uphold your professionalism throughout the party. Don’t be the first to volunteer for a game of charades, be mindful of how many drinks you have and be careful to maintain your decorum for the entire event.

Be mindful of your menu

No one enjoys going hungry at a party. Plan your menu carefully to ensure that each of your employees can find foods to enjoy. Before devising a menu, ask your employees to share any specific dietary restrictions they may have so you can accommodate their needs. Be sure to label any specially prepared food that may look similar to its traditional counterparts – like gluten-free cookies or vegan chili – so the employees who need these foods know where to find them.

Raise the bar with some extras

Bring your party to the next level with one or more of these extras:

  • Creative activity such as freestyle canvas painting or cookie decorating
  • Live entertainment
  • Photo booth with props
  • Goody bags
  • Organized transportation to and from the party, such as a chartered van, or ride-share credits

The holiday office party is fun again! Use these tips to plan the party your employees will be thrilled to attend.

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