Rio Grande Credit Union
Rio Grande Credit Union
Lobo Giving Day


UNM Lobos

Lobos Give Day

Let's turn the country Cherry Red February 28th - March 1st!

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Save the Date - Lobos Give Day

Who wants to help Lobos Athletics?

The 3rd annual Lobos Give Day begins Tuesday, February 28th and ends on Wednesday, March 1st. This is 1,889 minutes of giving! 

Last year, Lobo Nation was able to raise over $270K, with 827 donors from 49 states and 5 international countries in support of Lobo Athletics. This year's goal is to raise money from every state in the United States by 11:59 p.m. on Giving Day. Thus, RGCU is trying to turn the country cherry red.

RGCU will donate $100 for every state that is colored cherry, rounding off at $5,000 if all 50 turn cherry. 

Help us spread the word by letting people know why you think it’s important to support this effort!

Learn more