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Should We Trust Online Reviews? 

Online reviews are important. Think back to the last think you bought online. Did you check to see what other people thought of the product? Of course! It's a useful tool to make sure what you are purchasing is what you'll receive. 

Unfortunately, there are fake reviews. Sometimes it isn't from real buyers or maybe they were dishonest. Some companies even write or use fake reviews. But don't worry, we have some tips on how to identify fake reviews and what to do about them. 

Use Recognizable Platforms

Fortunately, websites and platforms like Google and Amazon are aware of the problem. Some of them do more than others to filter out the suspicious reviews, as well as finding, labeling, suspending, or de-listing the companies or people who acquire those reviews.

Gather a Big Sample of Reviews

Fake reviews can be easy to spot in some cases. If the same review is written over and over, then it's probably fake. You can identify these because the verbiage is usually the same or very similar. Fake reviews also tend to have red flag usernames, sometimes with the seller's email attached to them! 

What to Do if You Suspect a Fake Review

The FTC is also aware of the problem. They have shared some guidance for businesses on dealing with reviews and advice for consumers on how to watch for fakes. If you suspect you've run across a fake review, report it

Please stay safe while online shopping! 

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