Rio Grande Credit Union
Rio Grande Credit Union
Home > Resources > Become a member of Rio Grande Credit Union

Somos familia.

You can join Rio Grande Credit Union.

If you live, work, worship, volunteer or go to school in Bernalillo County or Sandoval County, you are eligible to join the Credit Union.

Additionally, RGCU proudly serves:

  • Employees, volunteers and retirees from any of the companies or organizations in our field of membership, including the City of Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, VA Hospital, ABQ Health Partners, Blue Cross Blue Shield of NM, Lovelace Health System, NM Heart Institute, Presbyterian Health Care Services and Presbyterian Health Plan.
  • Members of Catholic parishes.
  • Plus members of your family and household!

For a comprehensive list of our field of membership click here.

Ready to join? Good choice! Talk to any of us to get your membership application started today. Welcome to Rio Grande Credit Union!